Ya know what I like? Comedy Bands.
Just dudes being dumb as hell and somehow crankin out solid tunes in the process. Takes talent to write intentionally silly music. I’ve also never reviewed a comedy band before so uhhhh, this’ll be interesting.
Band: Helicopter Hog Hunt
Song: Space Wizard
FFO: Clutch, Primus
So this review for all of one whole song took forever because, I’m not really sure how to describe what the fuck is going on here. Song is a whole ass vibe, it’s groovy, it’s funky, the bass is fat as hell, add in a dash of hip hop and that’s a lot of dopamine boxes ticked off for me right there. Oh yeah and while all of that is going on Cameron is telling us a very interesting story about fucking space wizards, what more do you need? This is one that a review just won’t do justice for, go check it out yourself, maybe have a puff or two beforehand enhance that experience a little.
Rating: 8/10
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